Additional Services an Attorney Real Estate Agent Can Offer
An attorney real estate agent is a valuable professional when it comes to navigating the complexities of real estate transactions. Their legal expertise and understanding of the industry make them indispensable in ensuring that all legal and regulatory obligations are met. However, their services extend beyond just handling transactions. In this article, we will explore some of the additional services an attorney real estate agent can offer to provide even more value to their clients.

Real Estate Consulting and Advisory Services
An attorney real estate agent can provide clients with expert advice and consultation on various aspects of real estate. This can include:
- Property valuation: They can assist clients in determining the fair market value of a property, ensuring that they make informed decisions when buying or selling.
- Investment analysis: For clients interested in real estate investments, the attorney real estate agent can provide guidance on potential opportunities, risks, and returns.
- Legal structuring: They can advise clients on the most suitable legal structure for their real estate transactions, such as partnerships, corporations, or trusts.
Lease Negotiation and Review
Leasing a property can involve complex legal agreements, and an attorney real estate agent can help clients navigate the process. They can draft, review, and negotiate lease agreements, ensuring that their clients’ interests are protected and that the lease complies with all applicable laws and regulations.
Land Use and Zoning
Understanding land use and zoning regulations is crucial when dealing with real estate transactions. An attorney real estate agent can advise clients on these matters, helping them determine the allowable uses for a property and ensuring that they comply with all relevant zoning laws.
Corporate & compliance
Some attorney real estate agents also offer corporate & compliance services. This can include day to day legal overview, dealing with tenant issues, corporate follow up, and more generally ensuring that the property is compliant with all applicable regulations. Most of our clients would require legal services after ou before a transaction.
Tax Planning and Strategy
Real estate transactions can have significant tax implications, and an attorney real estate agent can help clients develop tax strategies to minimize their liabilities. They can advise on matters such as property tax assessments, capital gains tax, and other tax-related issues that may arise during a transaction.
Estate Planning and Probate
An attorney real estate agent can also assist clients with estate planning, helping them develop a plan to ensure the smooth transfer of their real estate assets upon their death. This may involve the creation of wills, trusts, and other legal instruments. They can also provide representation in probate court if necessary.
In conclusion, an attorney real estate agent offers a wide range of additional services that can greatly benefit their clients. By providing expert advice, consultation, and support in various areas related to real estate, they can help clients make informed decisions and ensure successful transactions. If you are considering a real estate transaction or need assistance with any of the services mentioned above, it is highly recommended that you seek the expertise of a qualified attorney real estate agent
About the Author :
Business lawyers, bilingual, specialized in acquisition law; Benoit Lafourcade is co-founder of Delcade lawyers & solicitors and founder of FRELA; registered as agents in personal and professional real estate transactions. Member of AAMTI (main association of French lawyers and agents).
FRELA : French Real Estate Lawyer Agency, specializing in acquisition law to secure real estate and business transactions in France.
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