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FRELA provides corporate law advisory services for the establishment and creation of dedicated companies for your acquisitions and ownership of real estate in France.

Corporate Law: Dedicated Companies

While the REIT (Real Estate Investment Trust) remains the most common form, there are a variety of dedicated companies that can be used to own real estate in France.

FRELA advises you on the most suitable structure for your situation. Depending on your projects, the creation of dedicated companies can offer advantages in terms of management, tax implications, and inheritance taxation. The real estate properties are acquired by the company, which becomes the owner.

Dedicated companies allow, among other things, the drafting of tailored articles of association to specify the rights of each shareholder concerning the real estate property and the conditions of sale. They also enable optimization of the taxation of the acquired property, including maintenance and renovation expenses, future rental income, as well as inheritance and donation taxes.

FRELA provides assistance in the development and legal review of your dedicated company creation.

  • Drafting of the articles of association
  • Registration of the articles of association with the CFE (Center for Business Formalities)
  • Publication of the legal notice in an official gazette (Legal Notices Journal)
  • Registration with the Commercial Court Registry
  • Tax advisory services regarding the choice between corporate tax or personal income tax

The articles of association for dedicated companies for your real estate acquisitions should be carefully drafted.

It is highly recommended to seek the services of a real estate lawyer. These articles of association should include the following information:

  • Company name
  • Legal form of the company
  • Identity of the shareholders and the manager
  • Registered office address
  • Corporate purpose
  • Share capital
  • Contributions and distribution of shares
  • Duration of the dedicated company
  • Operating procedures

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